

Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement



Utica University permits the posting of materials on campus only by those individuals, departments, student clubs and organizations, external organizations, and businesses that adhere to the conditions of this policy. All those wishing to post materials on the Utica University campus must obtain the permission of the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement as described below. Approved postings do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Utica University; receiving permission to post does not indicate an endorsement of the content of any approved posting.

Additionally, use of the Utica University name and/or logo in off-campus postings that promote University events, programs, and/or services must be approved in advance by the Office of Marketing and Communications.


This policy applies to all members of the Utica University community, administrative and academic departments, student clubs and organizations, external organizations, and businesses desiring to post materials that promote events, clubs, and organizations, or that wish to advertise goods and services.


Emergency notices – Certain offices may post emergency notices in locations otherwise prohibited by this policy and may do so without the usual approvals. These include the Offices of the President, Campus Safety, Environmental Health and Safety, Student Affairs, Registrar, and Student Living and Campus Engagement.

Designated bulletin boards – Academic and administrative departments may maintain departmental or specially designated bulletin boards. Materials may be posted on such bulletin boards without being stamped by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement. However, materials posted on designated bulletin boards must relate to the designated department or subject. For example, clubs and organizations may not post their materials on HR-designated bulletin boards.

Dedicatory and interpretive signage – When appropriate, the University will install plaques that commemorate donations to the University, recognize students or employees who have passed away, or provide information about sculptures and other campus features. The Office of the President must approve materials, design, wording, and locations for these types of signage. For more information, see Utica University’s Fundraising Activities and Practices policy.

Only the President of the University may grant permission for other exceptions to this policy. Requests for exceptions must be presented in writing to the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement, who will submit the request to the Office of the President.


This policy is intended to provide adequate opportunities to publicize and promote University events and activities, thereby enhancing the engagement of students and employees in the array of campus academic, social, and cultural activities. At the same time, the policy is intended to ensure that the Utica University campus is free of unnecessary clutter and to prevent damage to walls and other surfaces.

In the spirit of Utica University’s active engagement with the Mohawk Valley community and recognizing that certain off-campus activities, events, and services are of interest to the Utica University community, this policy also provides designated areas where external groups may post materials.


Posting Authorization

All posters, flyers, and signs falling within the purview of this policy must be authorized and stamped by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement, which is located in Room 206 of the Strebel Student Center. Anyone requesting permission to post an item must leave a sample copy in the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement along with all pertinent contact information for the person responsible for such posting. Permission will be granted for a period of time not to exceed three weeks.

If postings will be hung in the residence halls only, said postings should be reviewed, approved, and stamped by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.

Once materials have been authorized and stamped, they may be posted by the individuals requesting authorization, providing that the guidelines outlined below are followed. Alternatively, a supply of the materials can be left with the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement, which will make arrangements for the materials to be posted.

Individuals and organizations are required to remove their own postings by the day after the event date or the expiration date on the approval stamp. Materials not so removed will be discarded by University employees.

Posting Guidelines for Members of the Utica University Community

Format and Content

1. The following content must appear on all posted materials:

• The full name of the sponsoring organization, business, or group
• In the case of an event, the date, time, and location
• A contact telephone number or e-mail address for more information
• Any fees, costs to participate, entrance requirements, etc.

2. Posters may not exceed 11" x 17" in size. Special consideration for special events that may require larger posters will be considered; such requests should be directed to the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement.

3. All posted material must comply with the Advertising Alcohol-Related Events Policy in the Student Handbook.

4. Postings for events that violate the Code of Student Conduct are not permitted.

5. Postings for activities prohibited by University regulations or local, state, or federal laws are not permitted.

6. All postings will adhere to the University community’s sense of decency and good taste. Offensive, obscene, or inflammatory postings will not be permitted.

7. Posters for New York state and federal elections must conform to the institutional policy regarding Political Activity on the Utica University Campus.

Approved Locations for Postings

1. Posters are allowed only on designated bulletin boards. The Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement will provide guidance as to which bulletin boards are designated.

2. Examples of where posters may not be placed include external doors, windows, walls, classrooms, anywhere within public restrooms, or on the wood walls, tack strips, or fireplace in the Strebel Center’s Ellen Knower Clarke Lounge.
Exception: Postings are allowed on residence hall walls.

3. Only one poster per activity or service is permitted per bulletin board.

4. Postings should not cover or obstruct other notices.

5. Postings are not to be distributed door to door, hand to hand, or on car windshields. However, the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement may, at his or her discretion, provide a location for external organizations or businesses to leave quantities of publications and/or handbills.

Approved Methods for Affixing Postings to Surfaces

For cork bulletin boards, only tacks, staples, stick pins, or masking tape may be used.

Other Forms of Posting

1. The following types of promotional materials will normally be permitted only with prior approval from the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement (for activities sponsored by internal departments or organizations) or the Executive Director of Corporate and Professional Programs (for activities sponsored by external organizations):
• Free-standing signs
• Indoor banner-style signs
• Balloons
• Lawn stake signs

2. SODEXO Dining Services provides napkin holders that can accept promotional notices. Because of this convenience and consistent with the University’s commitment to maximizing opportunities to promote University events, permission may be requested from the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement to post in these receptacles. For information on the size and requirements to advertise in these units, please contact the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement. (Note that table tents are not permitted in the University’s dining facilities.)

3. Other promotional resources that may be used by members of the University community include:
• The Morning Mention (please submit requests here)
The Tangerine (submit to Tangerine office)
• WPNR Radio (submit to WPNR studio)
• The Utica University Web site (consult with the person responsible for the specific Web page)

4. Off-campus postings that feature the Utica University logo must be approved in advance by the Office of Marketing and Communications.

Note that each of these resources may have its own guidelines for content submission and all have deadlines. Please be sure to plan ahead to allow time for submissions to be processed.

Guidelines for Postings by External Organizations or Businesses

External organizations or businesses must follow all of the procedures and guidelines above and must also follow these additional procedures:

1. Except with regard to employment notices or off-campus housing opportunities, all outside organizations or businesses must receive permission from the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement as outlined above. Non-University postings are restricted to the designated bulletin board in the Strebel Student Center and other locations to be determined by the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement.

2. The following is a partial list of items not allowed for posting on these boards:
• Lost and found announcements
• Petitions
• Boxes or receptacles that solicit donations
• Any posting deemed unacceptable by the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement

3. Off-campus employment opportunities are publicized through the Office of Career Services, and all notices should be brought to that office.

4. Off-campus housing opportunities, including “roommate needed” signs, are publicized through the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement and their off-campus listing service, and all notices should be brought to that office.

5. Approval of all other postings by external organizations or businesses is at the sole discretion of the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement. The Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement may, at his or her discretion, provide a location for external organizations or businesses to leave quantities of publications and/or handbills.

6. Everyone requesting such posting must provide the following information: the responsible person’s name, telephone number and/or e-mail address, and a permanent postal mailing address.


It is the responsibility of all members of the University community, University departments, student clubs and organizations, and external organizations and businesses wishing to post materials on the Utica University campus to contact the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement for approval. It is the responsibility of members of the University community to remove their postings after the date of expiration.

The Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement and the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Operations have the authority to direct the removal of any and all expired and/or inappropriately posted postings as appropriate.


1. Postings in violation of this policy will be removed and destroyed regardless of the content.

2. The University’s student disciplinary system has jurisdiction over Code of Student Conduct violation complaints filed against any student or organization that places, destroys, defaces, or removes postings on University bulletin boards or that posts materials that violate this policy. Sanctions for students or student clubs and organizations violating this policy include but are not limited to:
• The cost of removing inappropriate postings and repair of any damage caused by such postings, which may be charged to the individual and/or organization responsible for the posting
• Loss of future posting privileges
• Other disciplinary sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook.

3. University employees violating this policy may be subject to disciplinary action by the University as outlined in the Employee Handbook.

4. External organizations and businesses violating this policy may receive a warning letter from the Office of Campus Safety, may be charged for the cost of removal and repair of damage, and/or may be subject to legal action.

5. Chronic abusers of this policy should be reported to the Associate Dean of Students and Campus Engagement or the appropriate University administrator.

Enforcement of Utica University policies is the responsibility of the office listed in the “Resources/Questions” section of each policy. The responsible office will contact the appropriate authority regarding faculty or staff members, students, vendors, or visitors who violate policies.

Utica University acknowledges that University policies may not anticipate every possible issue that may arise.  The University therefore reserves the right to make reasonable and relevant decisions regarding the enforcement of this policy.  All such decisions must be approved by an officer of the University (i.e. President, Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President for Financial Affairs, or Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel).


For any questions or additional information, please contact the Office of Student Living and Campus Engagement or, regarding employment opportunities, The Jeremy C. Thurston '00 Center for Career Readiness.

See also Utica University’s policies on Solicitation, Fundraising Activities and Practices, Political Activity on the Utica University Campus, and Credit Card Marketing, the Utica University Student Handbook (sections on Advertising Alcohol-Related Events and Code of Student Conduct), and the Utica University Employee Handbook.

Please note that other Utica University policies may apply or be related to this policy. To search for related policies, use the Keyword Search function of the online policy manual.

February 2, 2024 updates to item 3 under "Forms of Posting"; updated office names.

Effective Date: 09/26/2006
Date Last Revised: 02/02/2024
Revision Promulgation Date: 02/02/2024

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